Ormazabal and EWE NETZ drive the energy revolution in Germany with a pilot project for smart transformers

Renewable energy sources produce more and more electricity. EWE NETZ GmbH, one of the largest network operators in Germany, already has a share of more than 80 per cent of

Ikusi 100% renewable

The company Iberdrola has awarded Ikusi the certificate acknowledging that the organization exclusively consumes electric power from 100% renewable sources

IOENERGY: Technology and 4.0 Services for the Photovoltaic and Wind Farm Industry

Ikusi, in a consortium spearheaded by NEM Solutions that Ormazabal also forms part of, is participating in the IOENERGY R+D+i project within the Basque Government-subsidized Hazitek Program.  The project purports to

Recurrent Services at Rio Galeao Airport

Rio Galeao airport managers have decided once more to entrust Ikusi with the maintenance project for Condor