This smart grid investment has the aim on fighting climate change, creating clean jobs and ensuring safer power delivery for Canadian citizens
$100 million is the investment that Jim Carr, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, announced the past January to develop more smart grid systems in the American country. The Canadian Government wants to increase the hosting capacity of renewable energy, increasing resiliency and improving energy efficiency and conservation.
“The investments and initiatives resulting from the call for proposals will help build cleaner, safer, better-connected electricity systems and create well-paying jobs for middle-class Canadians, supporting Canada’s transition to a low-carbon future”, said Carr.
Interested stakeholders cand find the full information on a new website that has been established. This website includes a comprehensive guide to funding for eligible projects: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/science/programs-funding/19793.
Smart grids as part of the solution
This commitment of Canada with the smart grids shows how they make better use of existing generation, transmission and distribution assets to provide a higher quality of service to customers.
Would you like to have more information about smart grids? Take a look to the “5 main advantages for the development of the Smart Grid”.